Thursday, 3 January 1991

Appendix F: Glossary

aim’Psantzira (ɛm sɑnd-zi-ɹɑ): Routh. See Appendix B.1

Aidonwei (ai-dɑn-we): Aid. A province of the Routhian Empire, formerly an independent kingdom that was conquered in 1347 RE. The westernmost point of the Imperial Continent, Aidonwei's only land border is with Elvaira to the east; the Freezefire Sea lies to its north and west, and the Sea of Adragor lies to its south.

Aizelan (ai-zɛ-læn): Aid. The capital city of the imperial province of Aidonwei.

Allandarau, the (æ-jænð-æ-ɹɑ): Dòs. See Appendix A.2

Aunostri (ɑ-nu-stɹi): Dòs. An Alland city located within Lake Nian, on the Nia Peninsula.

ath'Fendarvan Liydh (æθ fɛn-dæɹ-væn li-ɪð): Liydh. A vast stretch of marsh in the Freelands of the Imperial Continent. Though largely uninhabited, most of the remaining Hydhern make their home here. The name of the swamp means "the undying gloom" in Liydhkel.

Bedalos (ve-dɑ-los): Routh. See Appendix B.1

Bedasailas (ve-dɑ-sɛ-lɑs): Routh. See Appendix B.1

Bræxwe (bɹæks-we): Oss. The capital of the Everstar Isles, cultural center of the kingdom and home to the Royal Family Kardolta. It is situated on the central island of Lēʒos. Its name is a phonetic spelling of the Ossdare word "Bræxƿe", which roughly translates to "center of the star".

Capture Stone: A talisman used for reading and copying essential signatures.

Chadauné (kæ-du-ne): Dòs. One of the inner islands of the Everstar Isles, situated directly north of Lēʒos. Ruled by House Tanagrath and noted for its volcanic springs, its name means "from flame" in Dòsqèlau.

Dathyngar (dæ-θɪn-gæɹ): Liydh. One of the large outer islands of the Everstar Isles, at the northeast of the cluster. As the nearest port to the Routhian Continent, Dathyngar is the military center of the kingdom. It is ruled by House Kiarus, and its name translates to "new harbor" in Liydhkel.

den'Aimbyn/dez'Aimbyn/dus'Aimbyn (den ɛ-bɪn/dez ɛ-bɪn/dʌs ɛ-bɪn): Routh. Title for an ordained priest of the Routhian faith. The prefix "den" is used for males while "dez" is the corresponding element for females. Dus’Aimbyn is the plural form, regardless of the genders of the individuals to which it is referring. Only Phylrouth may be ordained as dus'Aimbyn, though people of other sapient races can aspire to lesser titles in the hierarchies of most sects.

Dream Guard: A talisman that prevents the reception of extrasomnia.

Dreamscape, the: The layer of consciousness responsible for the formation of dreams, as well as the potential reception of extrasomnia in individuals with extrasomniative receptivity disorder.

Elvaira (ɛl-vɑi-ɹə): Elv. A western province of the Routhian Empire, formerly an independent kingdom that was conquered in 1341 RE. Elvaira shares its Northern border with Larinfólde in the form of the Larin Mountains; it sits west of Galtaria and east of Aidonwei, and borders the Sea of Adragor to the south.

Essence: Also referred to as "essential energy", or even as "magical energy" in layperson’s terms, essence is the substance channeled by sorcerers in order to perform magic. Though the exact nature of essence is still unknown, the current scientific consensus is that it occurs when the conversion between matter and energy stalls in a middle phase.

A given unit of essence has several measurable properties, but the significance and even clear definition of many of these properties is still a topic of debate among leading physicists. For practical purposes, the functionality of essence is defined by its elemental "type", which can be determined at a glance by its tint: gold for earth (solid), green for wind (gas), blue for water (liquid), or red for fire (plasma).

While trace amounts of essence can be drawn from all natural substances ("bound essence") with some degree of difficulty, its reservoir is the magisphere ("free" or "unbound essence"). A more saturated magisphere less available essence, while a more vibrant sky is rich in magical potential.

Essential Signature: A unique pattern of varying properties in the bound essence of an individual or chemical.

Evandy (ɛ-vɪn-di): Elv. A village on the island of Dathyngar. Sonnet Tagen’s hometown.

Everstar Isles, the: A cluster of islands to the south of the Imperial Continent. The Isles are the heart of their own kingdom ruled the Royal Family Kardolta; their dominion also expands to several mainland territories. Traditionally a trading hub, as well as a point of contact for the peoples on the continents to its north and south, the Isles are home to a diverse human population with ancestral roots from all parts of the globe, as well as numerous Phylrouth. They are also of historical significance to many of the other sapient races.

Everstar Palace: The palace in Bræxwe, home to the Royal Family Kardolta of the Everstar Isles.

Extrasomniant: An individual who suffers from extrasomniative receptivity disorder.

Extrasomniative receptivity disorder: A genetic condition rendering an individual susceptible to extrasomnia. The condition is often referred to colloquially as “extrasomnia”.

Extrasomnium: A manufactured dream fed remotely into the subconscious of a susceptible individual. Given the extreme difficulty of creating and transmitting extrasomnia, they are rarely used without a specific agenda in mind.

Eye, the: An ancient relic, said to be of made of starglass. It is curiously attracted to immense displays of essential power, to the point where any person who draws it is named Omnimage.

Force Field Guard: A caging device made from two spinning rings lined with runeset. The rings generate an impenetrable force field, and their motion prevents counteracting essence from lingering on the runes.

Four-Winged Beast, the: The god of the Routhian faith, the divine liberator of the Phylrouth from the reign of the İstaŋlar.

Freelands, the: Continental lands unclaimed by the Empire. Though political safe havens, these regions are largely uninhabited due to harsh environmental conditions.

Galtaria (gɑl-tɑ-ɹi-ɑ): Galt. A formerly independent province of the Routhian Empire, conquered in 1358 RE. Galtaria is neighbor and historical enemy to Larinfólde, which sits to its west on the other side of the Larin Mountains.

Galtarian Mountains, the: Also called the Galtars, this mountain range forms the eastern border of Galtaria, and marks the division between the eastern and western halves of the imperial continent.

Geobhin, the (gɔ-vɪn): Seof. See Appendix A.3

Granvēr (gɹɑn-viɹ): Oss. One of the large outer islands of the Everstar Isles, the southwestern point of the cluster. Granvēr is ruled by House Dacibrae and is the childhood home of Queen Yuma Dacibrae Kardolta. Its name comes from the Ossdare "cranvēr", meaning "point downward"; this refers to Point Dacibrae, which is situated on the island's southern coast. Both the point and the city upon it are named for the ruling family, who makes their home in the keep at the point's apex.

Grey Gardens: The greenhouse temples of the Routhian faith, found in most permanent settlements in Routhian nations, as well as on the grounds of noble and royal estates. The general populace is only allowed to enter the Grey Gardens on aim'Psantzira, but the Gardens are tended by dus'Aimbyn on a weekly basis, on the day of the week corresponding elementally to the current year. Indoor temples are used for day-to-day worship by practitioners.

Imperial City, the: The capital of the Routhian Empire, situated in the eastern reaches of its continental territory.

Imperial Continent, the: The large continent to the north of the Everstar Isles, also called the Routhian Continent. True to its name, the majority of the continent is under the dominion of the Routhian Empire, though a few foreign territories remain, as well as the barely-habitable Freelands.

Kalibclydh (kæ-lib-klɪð): Liydh. A midrange summit in the Davet Mountains north of ath'Fendarvan Liydh. The hidden fortress of the Skyguard is located here, referred to by past and present members as if synonymous with the summit itself. The stretch is known for thin air, harsh climate, and sparse vegetation; as such, its name is the Liydhkel word for "Damned Place".

Kalylos (kɑ-lɪ-los): Routh. See Appendix B.1

Kalysailas (kɑ-lɪ-sɛ-lɑs): Routh. See Appendix B.1

Larin Mountains, the: The mountain range that separates Larinfólde from Elvaira and Galtaria to the south and east respectively.

Larinfólde (læ-ɹin-fold): Lar. A northwestern province of the Routhian Empire, ruled by Lord Hothden Isilvar, also known as the Silverhand. Primarily tundra, Larinfólde’s boundaries are marked by the Larin Mountains to the south and east, and by the Freezefire Sea to the north and west. Formerly an independent kingdom, Larinfólde was conquered by the Routhian Empire in 1362 RE, having been weakened by an alleged "curse" inflicted upon them by their historical enemies, the people of neighboring Galtaria.

Lēʒos (li-ʒos): Oss. The central of the Everstar Islands, on which the capital city of Bræxwe is located. The island is the ancestral home of the Royal Family Kardolta. Its name means "warmth" in Ossdare.

Magisphere, the: The atmospheric layer that acts as the primary reservoir for all unbound essence. As its tint reflects the concentration and availability of each type of essence at the time and place of observation, the magisphere has become the scholastic name for the visible component of the atmosphere: the sky.

Mainalos (mɛ-nɑ-los): Routh. See Appendix B.1

Mainasailas (mɛ-nɑ-sɛ-lɑs): Routh. See Appendix B.1

Omnimage, the: The most powerful sorcerer alive at any given time, designated by their possession of the Eye.

Ordinary: A rather rude term for a person who is not a sorcerer.

Oshakinon (o-ʃə-ki-nɑn): Osh. A kingdom to the east of the continental Freelands, comprised of the Osha Peninsula and its surrounding islands. The kingdom is historically linked to Adragor, the mythical figure said to have been the first dragon.

Phylrouth, the (fɪl-ɹuθ): Routh. See Appendix A.4

Qèlau Peninsula (kɛ-lɑ): Dòs. A peninsula on the southeastern coast of the Imperial Continent. Its name is the Dòsqèlau word for "net".

Qèle Cène (kɛ-lə kɛ-nə): Dòs. An network of interwoven rivers found on the Qèlau Peninsula. The rivers take their name from the Dòsqèlau language—literally, "Net Rivers".

Resurgence, the: The restoration of the formerly defunct Skyguard in 1663 RE by King Surrin Kardolta of the Everstar Isles in response to the events of the Dathyngar Conflict. The original incarnation of the Skyguard was disbanded officially by the Everstar Isles as an act of appeasement toward the growing Routhian Empire in 1421 RE, and open activity of remaining Skyguard loyalists ceased by 1467 RE.

Reth Davet (ɹɛθ dæ-vɛt): Liydh. The mountain range bordering ath'Fendarvan Liydh to the north and east, most commonly referred to as the Davet Mountains or the Davet Range. The name means "Sky Reach" in Liydhkel.

Riverglass: A blue-ish, essence-forged glass made by the Allandarau from sand and water.

Routhian Church of the Four-Winged Beast, the (ɹu-θi-ɑn): Routh. See Appendix E.1

Routhian Empire, the: The empire comprised of most of the Imperial Continent, plus a handful of overseas territories. The Routhian Empire was founded under the doctrine of the church of the same name, and continues to govern in accordance with the faith.

Runilos (ɹʌ-ni-los): Routh. See Appendix B.1

Runisailas (ɹʌ-ni-sɛ-lɑs): Routh. See Appendix B.1

Skyguard, the: An army of sorcerers comprised mostly of expatriates from the Everstar Isles. Though reputed even among most of its own ranks as a renegade militia, the Skyguard is in fact a covert branch of the Everstar Armed Forces. In accordance with the facade, which allows the Everstar Isles to deny its connection to its magic-using forces, its training grounds and headquarters are located at Kalibclydh in the continental Freelands.

Songfish Creek: A village on the Qèlau Peninsula of the Routhian Continent. Originally an outpost for Routhian missionaries to the Allandarau, the village is known for the piety of its residents.

Starglass: A very rare material said to be starlight in solid form. Harder than diamond, it is whitish, translucent, and eternally glowing. Starglass is the only known catalyst to the hastened transformation of one type of essence to another.

Talisman: Any object used to store essence. Talismans can power other devices as essential batteries, or can be prepared for use by non-sorcerers, or in environments that lack sufficient free essence (such as underground).

Telhazaareth (tɛl-hæ-zɑ-ɹɛθ): Tel. A nation on the continent south of the Everstar Isles, widely renowned for its scientists' vast studies of the properties and practical applications of essence.

Watersight: A means of divining the most probable sequence future events through the lens of still water. While relatively unheard-of among non-sorcerers outside the southern continent, and generally disregarded by sorcerers in the same areas, the scholars of the south have acknowledged that watersight's accuracy is beyond mere coincidence. While a widely-accepted theory does not exist at present, a handful of maverick physicists have suggested that the essence produced by still water can be manipulated to create "windows" in space-time.